VO5 > Victory Hair > 

Winner: "Social Media Idea of the Year"

Category-defying ideas and bold executions across media elevated VO5 above the beauty-industry cliches, breaking convention by showing real people flaunting their "Victory Hair".

Our victory was in winning the pitch for VO5 with this work, and then watching it come to life, convincing 20-somethings to see how awesome VO5 hair leads to social Victory.
After all, the ultimate goal of great hair is the chance to mess it up with an attractive partner.


VO5 > Social Network & Website > 

The website was a Victory tracking system. Anyone who got the stickers was challenged to go out and mark the places they achieved "Victory," and then brag about it on the VO5 site.
Users could post their info, their Victory spots, partners, and of course, a Weapon of Choice section where they could find out more about VO5.

VO5 : OOH >
We also provided VO5 users places to help them claim Victory - red-curtain-lined bus shelters, phone booths and cabs with more stickers inside from those who came before.

After winning the pitch with this work with my partner Radhika Boros, Jaime Robinson brought the campaign to life: