︎ > Roman@RomanTsukerman.com

︎ > 646-247-6626

︎ > Resume PDF

Most times, I’m brought in to save the day. When I do, it’s because of three things:
1 – I know how to support, inspire, or work around whoever needs it.
2 – Luck, charm, talent, grit.
3 – The person reading this gets it.

I'm at my best when you, dear reader, are thirsty for something creatively unexpected and strategically shocking. I take immense delight in shaking things up; I believe a great idea has to make everyone at least a little nervous. My favorite thing to do is make our audience question their reality and buy into ours.

Still reading? Why? You've already made up your mind, but ok, go on and do that due diligence if you must, but if you're the kind who knows it when they sees it, go on and skip to the contact info.

So yes, I've saved the day, but not every day. When I lose, it’s also because of three things:
1 – I swung for the fences when all they really wanted was to bunt.
2 – Lack of luck, charm, or experience.
3 – The person reading this wasn’t there.

And yes, I began a paragraph as well as a sentence with "and". AND, I can come up with the winning idea. You will be amazed, or your money back. How do I do it? Talent + Hard Work + Experience. There isn't a category or problem I haven't worked on. Go on, try me.

OK, you're satisfied with my creative horsepower? But you're wondering if all this freelancing has left me weak in the management department? Say no more:

With so many tech companies and startups needing complete branding solutions I've had to build collaborative teams of virtual producers, coders, editors, creatives to launch (or re-launch) brands with media use as disruptive as the campaigns themselves.

I'm no Ted Lasso, but that's what I'm aiming at.